#!/bin/sh ## ## SCRIPT: 05_anyfile4Dir_findFILES-YOUNG-SIZESORT_allLEVS_find-NOTdir-mtime-ls-sort.sh ## ## PURPOSE: Relative to a 'base' directory (the 'current' directory), ## this script lists ALL files in the directory AND in its ## subdirectories at ALL levels below --- ## that have been modified in the past N days --- ## using the 'find' command with the '-mtime' option. ## ## METHOD: Uses 'zenity' to prompt for the number of days, N. ## ## Puts the output of the 'find' command in a text file --- ## after piping the output through a reverse-sort on field 5, ## file size. ## ## Shows the text file using a text-file viewer of the ## user's choice. ## ## HOW TO USE: In Nautilus, select any file in the desired 'base' directory. ## Then right-click and choose this Nautilus script to run. ## (See the script name above.) ## ## Created: 2012jun25 Based on FE Nautilus Script ## 05_anyfile4Dir_findFILES-YOUNGEST_allLEVS_find-f-mtime-ls-sort.sh ## Changed: 2013oct27 Changed script name from 'YOUNG-BIGGEST' to 'YOUNG-SIZESORT' ## and 'find-f' to 'find-NOTdir'. ## In 'find' command, changed '-type f' to '! -type d'. ## FOR TESTING: (show statements as they execute) # set -x ################################################# ## Prepare the output file. ## ## If the user has write-permission on the ## current directory, put the file in the pwd. ## Otherwise, put the file in /tmp. ################################################# CURDIR="`pwd`" OUTFILE="${USER}_temp_dirFilesRecursiveLIST_YOUNG-BIGones_find-mtime-ls-sort.txt" if test ! -w "$CURDIR" then OUTFILE="/tmp/$OUTFILE" fi if test -f "$OUTFILE" then rm -f "$OUTFILE" fi ############################################ ## Prompt for N days, using zenity. ############################################ NDAYS="" NDAYS=$(zenity --entry \ --title "\ Enter N days, for this 'files modified recently' utility." \ --text "\ Enter an integer. Examples: 7 to see files modified in the past week; 30 for files modified in the past month." \ --entry-text "7") if test "$NDAYS" = "" then exit fi ##################################### ## Generate a heading for the listing. ##################################### DATETIME=`date '+%Y %b %d %a %T%p'` echo "\ ..................... $DATETIME ............................ List of (non-directory) FILES under the directory $CURDIR --- at ALL levels (recursive) --- files that have been MODIFIED or CREATED in the past $NDAYS DAY(s) and sorted so that the BIGGEST are at the top. In other words, these are YOUNG files that are SIZE-SORTED. Size Last Modified Permissions Userid Grpid (bytes) Date-time Filename ---------- ------ ------ -------- ------------ ----------- " > "$OUTFILE" ######################################## ## Add the 'find' output to the listing. ######################################## # find . -type f -mtime -$NDAYS -name "*" -exec ls -l {} \; | \ # sort -r -n -k5 >> "$OUTFILE" find . ! -type d -mtime -$NDAYS -name "*" -exec ls -l {} \; | \ sort -r -n -k5 >> "$OUTFILE" ##################################### ## Generate a trailer for the listing. ##################################### SCRIPT_BASENAME=`basename $0` SCRIPT_DIRNAME=`dirname $0` echo " ........................................................................... This list was generated by script $SCRIPT_BASENAME in directory $SCRIPT_DIRNAME Used command find . ! -type d -mtime -$NDAYS -name \"*\" -exec ls -l {} \; | \\ sort -r -n -k5 ..................... $DATETIME ............................ " >> "$OUTFILE" ###################### ## Show the listing. ###################### ## . $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/.set_VIEWERvars.shi . $HOME/.freedomenv/feNautilusScripts/set_DIR_NautilusScripts.shi . $DIR_NautilusScripts/.set_VIEWERvars.shi $TXTVIEWER "$OUTFILE" &