#!/bin/sh ## ## SCRIPT: htm00_multi-img-files_imgsDownHTMLpage_withsLink2larger_echo_for-loop.sh ## ## PURPOSE: Generate an HTML file showing image files down the page, ## in table cells, one cell per row, using the selected image files ## --- '.jpg', '.png', '.gif' or whatever files. ## ## METHOD: The 'echo' command is used to put HTML statements in a '.htm' file. ## ## This script shows the HTML file in an html-viewer of the user's choice ## ($HTMLVIEWER), and puts the user in edit mode on the HTML file ## using a text-editor of the user's choice ($TEXTEDITOR). ## ## Under each image, there is to be a link to a larger version ## of the image file shown. The larger version is in a subdirectory ## with a name like 'images_MMMxNNN'. The images in that directory ## have the same names as the selected files, but with a ## '_XXXxYYY.jpg' suffix stripped and the '_MMMxNNN.jpg' suffix added, ## where XXX, YYY, MMM, NNN are actual integers, not characters. ## ## The 'MMMxNNN' *character* string in the subdirectory name ## in the '.htm' file --- or the entire subdirectory name ## 'images_MMMxNNN' character string --- can be ## globally changed in the text editor to match the subdirectory ## name that is actually used. ## ## Similarly the '_MMMxNNN.jpg' suffix in the linked-to filenames ## can be globally changed in the text editor to match the name ## actually used. That is, the characters 'MMMxNNN' can be changed ## to two integers separated by the lower-case letter 'x'. ## ## HOW TO USE: In Nautilus, select one or more image files in a directory. ## Then right-click and select this script to run (name above). ## ## It is assumed that you have created a subdirectory, called ## something like 'images_MMMxNNN', in the directory of ## 'main' (medium-sized) images. Typically, the 'images_MMMxNNN' ## subdirectory would contain larger scale images of the 'medium-sized' ## image files. ## ## And it is assumed that the images in the 'images_MMMxNNN' ## subdirectory have names with suffixes like '_MMMxNNN.jpg' --- ## where MMMxNNN are the same two integers for all the 'larger scale' ## image files. ## ## Example: ## yada_yada_yada_700x550.jpg ## has a corresponding file ## ./images_1600x1200/yada_yada_yada_1600x1200.jpg ## in the subdirectory 'images_1600x1200' ## and ## wada_wada_wada_640x480.jpg ## has a corresponding file ## ./images_1600x1200/wada_wada_wada_1600x1200.jpg ## in the subdirectory 'images_1600x1200'. ## ## If necessary, edit any of the filenames in the '.htm' file ## to work as intended. ## ############################################################################## ## Started: 2009aug18 ## Updated: 2010jul21 ## Updated: 2011apr12 Converted to a Nautilus script, to gather selected files. ## Changed: 2011may11 Get 'nautilus-scripts' directory via an include script. ## Changed: 2011jul07 Changed to handle filenames with embedded spaces. ## (Removed use of FILENAMES var and use a 'for' loop ## WITHOUT the 'in' phrase. Ref: man bash ) ## Changed: 2012feb22 Changed the name of the script, above. ## Fixed the $TEXTEDITOR var to be $TXTEDITOR. ## Added 'target="_blank"' to the anchor-link lines. ## Changed: 2012may14 Changed script name in comments above and touched up ## the comments. Changed some indenting below. ########################################################################### ## FOR TESTING: (show statements as they execute) # set -x ################################### ## Set the htm output file name. ################################### HTMFILE="00_temp_imgCells_downPage_withLinks2largerImgs.htm" # HTMFILE="temp.htm" if test -f "$HTMFILE" then rm "$HTMFILE" fi ####################################### ## Put the 'head', 'title', and 'intro' ## sections in the HTML file. ####################################### echo "
Title Goes Heresubtitle goes here |
A few more notes or links may be added.
Introduction : There is a link under each of the images below. Click on the link to see a larger version of the smaller image. |
Bottom of the Title Goes Here page.
To return to a previously visited web page location, click on the
< Go to Start of Images, above. >
" >> "$HTMFILE"
## SHOW HTML FILE in a web browser of the user's choice.
## . $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/.set_VIEWERvars.shi
. $HOME/.freedomenv/feNautilusScripts/set_DIR_NautilusScripts.shi
. $DIR_NautilusScripts/.set_VIEWERvars.shi
## Put HTML FILE in a text editor of the user's choice.