## World population growth data at year multiples of 200. ## ## Column1: years A.D. ## Column2: estimated world population in millions ## ## Data points from http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/worldhis.html ## and ## http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/sixbillion/sixbilpart1.pdf ## ## The population data is taken from the 'lower' estimates column of ## that 1st web page --- column 2 on that page (1AD to 1950). ## Data for years between 1960 and 1999 are from the un.org PDF file. ## ## The Black Plague occurred around 1300-1400, where there is a dip in the estimates. ## 0 170 200 190 600 200 800 220 1000 254 1200 360 1400 350 1600 545 1800 813 2000 6000