FE 'tkGooies' system

'MAPtools' group

Data Sources


(in a simple ASCII
text format ---
x,y coordinates
in 2 columns)
(FE = Freedom Environment)

An example of a 'non-map'
outline data plot done
with a 'tkGooie' MAPtool
'tkReadOutlineFile_ drawOutlineOnCanvas'.

(See larger images below.)

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Map Data SOURCES Menu page >

This 'NON-Map Outline files' page

! Note !
More links to 'non-map' outline data
(in ASCII-text format) may be added
--- as 'MAPtools' scripts are tested and
developed for the FE 'tkGooies' subsystem.

Some 'non-map' files of higher-quality
may be added to this page.

< Go to Table of Contents, below >


The following 'non-map outline files' were created from SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files using a rather tedious process --- such as the following for SVG files:

  • Find '.svg' files containing data in SVG ASCII text format --- preferably files using drawing commands in 'absolute' mode rather than 'relative' mode.

      The SVG drawing commands for 'move' and 'line' are 'M' and 'L' when absolute coordinates are used --- and 'm' and 'l' when relative coordinates are used.

  • Run a utility script --- a script that will eventually be in the FE 'Nautilus Scripts' subsystem, in a 'MAPtools' group of shell scripts --- to 'fold' long lines into shorter lines and to remove most of the XML-like markup language in the files.

  • Manually edit a reformatted-and-reduced file into a simple text file with a title comment line (or two) --- and data lines consisting of 2 columns of numbers (x and y coordinates --- decimal or integer numbers) --- with comment lines indicating separate data 'loops'.

The comment lines are indicated by a hash-sign (#) in column 1.

'Outline' files in this simple format are readable by the FE 'MAPtools' tkGooies.

Various Data Resolutions
(from rather-crude to excellent)

Since each data point (an x,y coordinate pair) is on one line of these 'outline' files, the number of lines in the file is a good estimate of the number of data points in the file.

    (There are generally just a few comment lines in the files --- all the other lines are data-point lines.)

The more lines in the file, the more data points.

More data points means that a plot of the sequences of points will (usually) yield an outline with more detail.


Most of the files below contain between 90 and 2,200 data points. This is generally enough points to give some fairly good quality images.

Generally, about 10,000 points will provide a quite detailed outline of complex figures on a computer screen.

But, if you just want a rough-to-good indication of the outline of an object, a few thousand points --- or several hundred --- or less --- may do.

You can get quite detailed outlines using only 250 points.

Data 'Loops'

Some drawn figures will contain outline 'loops' --- representing anatomical features (such as eyes or mouth) or geometric features (such as holes or protrusions on machinery).

    In outline files for maps, the 'loops' correspond to features such as lakes or islands.

The loops are indicated in these 'outline' data files by a blank or comment line between sequences of data lines.

The first x,y coordinate pair is the same as the last x,y coordinate pair in the loop.

A comment line is indicated by a '#' character in column one of a file line.

Eventually, the tkGooie 'MAPtools' may support a hex color code on a comment line to indicate the color for the following data loop --- the color of its outline or its 'fill' color.

Example: #ffaa33 for a brownish color

Presentation of the files
(How to use these files)

The files (following) are offered in several groups --- animals, people, and inanimate-objects.

The following 'table of contents' (table of links) offers a way to quickly jump to one of these sections.

In any of these sections of file-links, you can either

  • click on a filename to view a file, or

  • 'right-click' on a filename, and, in a popup option menu, choose an option like

    'Save Link Target As ...'

    to download a file.

Some drawing issues
(and tkGooie enhancements)

You can see (from some images on this page) that the plots of some of these outline files with the

'tkReadOutlineFile_ drawOutlineOnCanvas'
tkGooie script

yield an upside down image.

In the future, a checkbutton may be added to this tkGooie, to allow the user to flip the sign of the y-coordinates as they are read from the outline file.

This is probably the easiest way to handle this issue.

In the meantime, a screen capture of the image can be done --- and then the captured-cropped image can be flipped 180-degrees with an image editor or with a script, such as a 'ROTATE' script in the 'IMAGEtools' group of the 'feNautilusScripts' system.

Enough introduction.

Here is the 'Table of Contents'.


(links to sections of this page, below)

(The files are in alphabetic order
in each group, by file names.)

End of Table of Contents.

Start of Sections of Links to Outline Data Files.

< Go to Top of this page. >


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This 'tkGooie' plot utility
may be enhanced to include
an option to flip the y-coordinates,
to 'flip' data like this.


< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of this page. >


< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of this page. >

Crude. Much higher quality images are possible.

ASCII-text 'NON-Map' outline-files:

At this point in time (2017), I have not found any ASCII (text) files from which one can extract 'non-map' point data for outline-plotting --- other than SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files.

This is in contrast to the fact that GeoJSON and KML and several other types of ASCII (human-readable, non-binary) files exist for making MAP outlines.

Here are links to help search for SVG files in the public domain --- files that may contain extractable outline data --- of the 'non-map' type.

If I find other types of ASCII text files that contain outline data suitable for plots like those above, I intend to provide information about (and search links for) those file types here.

Proposed new 'tkGooies'
to make more outline files

Another source of 'non-map' outline files:

I intend to make a 'tkGooie' in the 'MAPtools' group that allows the user to read an IMAGE file and then pick points on the image.

A resulting array of created points can then be written to an ASCII 'outline file' --- by clicking on a 'WriteFile' button of the GUI.

    ( DONE in 2017 October. )


Still another source of 'non-map' outline files:

I intend to make a 'tkGooie' in the 'MAPtools' group that allows the user to read an OUTLINE file and draw its outline on a Tk 'canvas' widget --- with moveable end points.

Then the user can move (and, eventually, add and delete) points that define the outline.

The resulting array of modified points can then be written to a new ASCII 'outline file'.

This 'outline file editor' could be used on the outline files above that are labelled 'crude' --- to move some points so that an improved image is created.

Bottom of this page of
'NON-MAP Outline Data Files'
--- a page of links to
ASCII-text outline data files
--- for use with 'MAPtools' scripts
of the FE 'tkGooies' system.

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Page history:

Page was created 2017 Sep 18.

Page was changed 2017 Sep 23.
(A couple of minor notes were added.)

Page was changed 2019 Feb 22.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation.)

Page was changed 2019 Jun 28.
(Specified image widths in percents to size the images according to width of the browser window.)