Tcl-Tk Code 'Snippets' Sources

In particular, code-snippets
in the FE 'tkGooies' system.

(Snippets to facilitate
development of Tk GUI's.)
(FE = Freedom Environment)

This animated-GIF file
was created with the
'wheeeMorph' script
of the 'IMAGEtools' group
of the 'tkGooies' system.

FE Home page > FE Downloads page >

FE 'tkGooies' Download page >

'tkGooies' Description page >

This 'Tcl-Tk CODE SNIPPETS Sources' page

< Go to Table of Contents, below >


As I develop more and more Tk GUI scripts in the FE 'tkGooies' subsystem of the group of FE (Freedom Environment) subsystems, I find it extremely helpful to copy 'snippets' of code from an 'old' tkGooie script, for use in a new 'tkGooie' --- and then make some changes of variable names and widget names (and code structure).

As I publish a script of the 'tkGooies' system in the CODE pages that are available via the 'tkGooies' Description page, I hope that that particular 'tkGooie' script may help others to learn to make Tcl-Tk scripts that are of interest to them.

In the course of these activities ('tkGooie' code development and 'tkGooie' code publishing), I realized that it will be of help to me --- and to other potential Tcler's --- to have a web page that points to sources of various kinds of Tcl-Tk code 'snippets'.

I quickly realized that, when I am looking for a Tcl-Tk code snippet, I am usually looking for a snippet that is of one of 3 general kinds:

  • a WIDGET -
    an example of DEFINITION (and packing) of a widget

  • a BINDING -
    an example of binding an EVENT to a widget

  • a PROC -
    an example to perform a SPECIFIC FUNCTION, such as file-reading, or file-writing, or plotting lines/ovals/polygons on a canvas, or plotting pixels in a photo-image on a canvas, or performing a certain kind of calculation, or whatever.

It is the purpose of this page to provide a quick link to 3 web pages that provide web links to these 3 kinds of Tcl-Tk code snippets.

Most of the links on those three pages will be to the 'CODE pages' of my 'tkGooies' system --- pages of this FE (Freedom Environment) web site,

But some links may be 'external' links --- to helpful pages at the Tcler's wiki --- --- or elsewhere on the web.

Here are the links to 'Widgets', 'Bindings', and 'Procs' pages.

Table of Contents:

(links to 'sources-of-Tcl-Tk-snippets' pages)

End of Table of Contents.

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Tcl-Tk CODE 'SNIPPETS' Sources.

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Page history:

Page was created 2016 Jul 28.

Page was changed 2016 Jul 30.
(Revised some sentences. Added some links.)

Page was changed 2016 Nov 04.
(Moved content of this page to 3 separate pages.)

Page was changed 2016 Nov 07.
(Renamed a web page in a link.)

Page was changed 2018 Aug 19.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation.)

Page was changed 2019 Jun 17.
(Specified image widths in percents to size the images according to width of the browser window.)

Page was changed 2024 Jun 19.
(Changed links to other web pages so they load in a separate window or tab so that this page remains available in its window or tab.)