FE 'tkGooie' Utilities

A Menu of
Tk (and shell)
script CODE
of some



(FE = Freedom Environment)

GUI interface of a
FE 'tkGooie'

FE Home Page > FE Downloads Page >

FE 'tkGooies' Description Page >

This 3Dtools CODE Menu Page

! Note !
Many more 'tkGooies' 3D utility scripts may be added
--- and the scripts here may be revised occasionally.

< Go to Code-Links List, below. >

OVERVIEW of '3Dtools'
--- in the FE 'tkGooies' system :

A description of the FE 'tkGooies' system is available via a 'tkGooies' Description page. That page points out that the 'tkGooies' are a collection of utilities in categories such as

  • 3Dtools
  • AUDIOtools
  • FILEmanagers
  • IMAGEtools
  • INTERNETtools
  • MATHtools
  • PLOTtools
  • SELECTORtools
  • SYSTEMtools
  • TEXTtools
  • VIDEOtools
  • Tk-GAME menus
  • Tk-WIKI demos
  • MORE

Just below is a list of links to pages that present the source code of a growing collection of the '3Dtools' in the FE 'tkGooies' system ... that is, growing provided I keep growing older.

3Dtools Menu

(List of Links to pages that present descriptions
and CODE for '3Dtools' 'tkGooie' scripts)

The following 3Dtools-done-with-Tk-GUI's
are on a 'to-do' list.

  • A 3D '.hgt' Binary Terrain File Loader-and-Examiner
    (reads HGT files, with OBJ file output of sub-sections)

  • A 3D Molecule File Loader-and-Examiner
    (reads industry-standard chemical files)

  • A 3D 'point cloud' Display-Examine utility
    (reads from OBJ or XYZ file ; numeric point-IDs shown)

  • An Image-Point-Picker to 3D-Terrain-File Generator
    (Example: points on contour maps to 3D terrain OBJ file)

  • An Image-Point-Picker to 2D Polygonal Curves
    (Example: font images to polygonal curves to OBJ lines file)
    (See 'MAPtools' tkGooies for a similar tool.)

  • 3D Models Extruded from 2D Polygonal Curves
    (Example: make 3D block letters and numerals in OBJ files)

  • A 3D Model File Translator
    (between OBJ, PLY, OFF, STL, and other files)

  • A 3D Model File Report Generator
    (to give Vertex,Edge,Polygon relationship listings,
    from OBJ input files)

  • A 3D Model File 'Touch-Up' Editor
    (to manually refine a mesh and/or collapse mesh elements)

  • A 3D auto-mesh-enhancement utility

  • A 3D mesh 'decimation' (auto-reduction) utility

  • A utility to generate Color Arrays and show them as stacks of colored rectangles

  • An Experiment in Gouraud-like shading (color interpolation) of triangles of a 3D model, on a Tk canvas

  • An Experiment in Texture Mapping of an image onto a polygon, on a Tk canvas

End of List of Code-Links.

How the code samples are presented - and other notes :

Use the list-of-links (above) to go directly to web pages that contain source code along with code-descriptions and screenshots.

The Tk script files (and other auxiliary files, if any) are in text files that can be down-loaded to your computer and implemented.

To download, simply 'right-click' on a text link and, in a popup window of your web browser, choose an option such as 'Save Link Target As ...'.

Bottom of this Menu page of
Links to pages of description-and-CODE
for FE 'tkGooies' in the '3Dtools' group

To return to a previously visited web page location, click on the Back button of your web browser a sufficient number of times.

OR, use the History-list option of your web browser.

OR ...

< Go to Code-Links Menu, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

Page history:

Page was created 2014 May 03.

Page was changed 2015 Mar 18.

Page was changed 2015 Oct 05.

Page was changed 2018 Aug 19.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation.)

Page was changed 2019 Feb 26.
(Minor reformatting of this page.)

Page was changed 2019 Jun 12.
(Specified an image width in percents to size the image according to width of the browser window.)

Page was changed 2024 Jun 21.
(Changed links to other web pages so they load in a separate window or tab so that this page remains available in its window or tab.)